PPC - Advertiser Verification Steps

PPC - Advertiser Verification Steps

Part 1 - Organization Details

 Step 1- Click on Tools and Settings. Select Advertiser verification.

Step 2- Click on Start verification.

Step 3 - Select Yes for Advertising Agency 

A): If you pay for client using your own credit card


B): If your client is paying for himself using his own credit card

Step 4- Select they advertise their own products/services

Step 5 - Select your client's industry for whom you are running the ad.

Part 2 -  Verify your organization


Owner (Client) Name: Alex Dawson

Business Name: ABCD.com

Step 1 - A document for the organization: 

[Upload the documents of your organization/business/website] [ABCD.com]

Step 2 - An ID to verify it is really you: 

[Upload the documents of the Client of your organization/business/website] [Alex Dawson]

  1. Verify Your Identity - Click Start verification 

  1. List of documents accepted for verification. 


Organization documents required.


·       A Letter or notice issued or stamped by the IRS, such as CP575 that confirms your Employer Identification number (EIN)

·       A Copy of the organizations form 8871,8871 or 990 from the IRS website.

·       A state issues certificate of business registration or incorporation.

·       Your organizations most recent SEC filing, including form 10-K, 10-Q, or 8-K.

·       A Business credit report from Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion.


An Id to verify it’s really you. (Personal Identification)

·       Driver’s License

·       Passport

·       State ID

·       Green Card

Step 3 - Click Submit For Review

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